Lite template

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

The pages included

This template contains the following pages:

Data needed

To show data on all charts in this template, you'll need to include values in the following accounts.

Energy & carbon page

  • Renewable Energy - ENV.NRG.SRC.REN
  • Non-renewable Energy - ENV.NRG.SRC.NON
  • Energy Usage - ENV.NRG.USG
  • Carbon Emissions Total - ENV.CAR.CON.TOT
  • Carbon Offset Investment - ENV.CAR.RED.FIN

Culture & diversity page

  • Employee NPS - PEO.CUL.COM
  • Tenure: Less than 1 year -PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Tenure: 1 to 2 Years - PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Tenure: 2 to 5 Years - PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Tenure: Over 5 Years - PEO.CUL.TEN
  • Female Employees - PEO.DIV.GEN.NON
  • Male Employees - PEO.DIV.GEN.NON
  • Gender Diverse Employees - PEO.DIV.GEN.NON
  • Health & Safety Incidents - PEO.HNS.QUA.INC

Community & customers page

  • NPS Score - CUS.ENG.SAT
  • Market Ratings - CUS.ENG.REV
  • Donations and Money Raised - COM.IMP.DON
  • Privacy and Security Incidents - CUS.PRI.QUA

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