Executive summary

Last updated:
November 27, 2023

You can use the Executive Summary page to enter commentary and recommendations to Spotlight Reports and include text tags and auto-text options which calculate values automatically based on the imported data.

The text tags and auto-text options are designed to update dynamically based on the values in Spotlight. You can select from one of our pre-set tags, or create your own using the 'Custom' option.


Each section has its own text tags and auto-text options available. Some sections are designed to be freeform text areas and do not include text tags or auto text.

Text tag and auto-text formulas are fixed and cannot be adjusted.

Auto Text and tags options from within any topic section can be selected to mix and match with different auto-text options and tags from the available Auto Text and tags drop down list. 


The Custom option contains any formulae you've previously added to the Formula Gallery. You can also set up new custom tags - for further information, please see our Custom Tags article.

Energy Source

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Renewable Energy - This month
  • Renewable Energy - Target this month
  • Renewable Energy - This quarter
  • Renewable Energy - Target this quarter
  • Renewable Energy - Year to date
  • Renewable Energy - Target year to date

Energy Usage

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Energy Usage - This month
  • Energy Usage - Target this month
  • Energy Usage - This quarter
  • Energy Usage - Target this quarter
  • Energy Usage - Year to date
  • Energy Usage - Target year to date

Trees Planted

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Trees Planted - This month
  • Trees Planted - Target this month
  • Trees Planted - This quarter
  • Trees Planted - Target this quarter
  • Trees Planted - Year to date
  • Trees Planted - Target year to date

Carbon Emissions

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Carbon Emissions - This month
  • Carbon Emissions - Target this month
  • Carbon Emissions - This quarter
  • Carbon Emissions - Target this quarter
  • Carbon Emissions - Year to date
  • Carbon Emissions - Target year to date

Carbon Emissions Scope 1

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Carbon Emissions Scope 1 - This month
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 1 - Target this month
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 1 - This quarter
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 1 - Target this quarter
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 1 - Year to date
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 1 - Target year to date

Carbon Emissions Scope 2

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Carbon Emissions Scope 2 - This month
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 2 - Target this month
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 2 - This quarter
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 2 - Target this quarter
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 2 - Year to date
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 2 - Target year to date

Carbon Emissions Scope 3

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Carbon Emissions Scope 3 - This month
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 3 - Target this month
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 3 - This quarter
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 3 - Target this quarter
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 3 - Year to date
  • Carbon Emissions Scope 3 - Target year to date

Carbon Offset / Mitigation Investment

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Carbon Offset Investments - This month
  • Carbon Offset Investments - Target this month
  • Carbon Offset Investments - This quarter
  • Carbon Offset Investments - Target this quarter
  • Carbon Offset Investments - Year to date
  • Carbon Offset Investments - Target year to date

Employee Trainings

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Employee Trainings - This month
  • Employee Trainings - Target this month
  • Employee Trainings - This quarter
  • Employee Trainings - Target this quarter
  • Employee Trainings - Year to date
  • Employee Trainings - Target year to date

Employee Satisfaction

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Employee Satisfaction - This month
  • Employee Satisfaction - Target this month
  • Employee Satisfaction - This quarter
  • Employee Satisfaction - Target this quarter
  • Employee Satisfaction - Year to date
  • Employee Satisfaction - Target year to date


Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target

Pay equity

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target

Gender diversity

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target

Leadership diversity

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target

Ethnicity diversity

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target

Health and Safety Incidents

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • H&S Incidents Recorded - This month
  • H&S Incidents Recorded - Target this month
  • H&S Incidents Recorded - This quarter
  • H&S Incidents Recorded - Target this quarter
  • H&S Incidents Recorded - Year to date
  • H&S Incidents Recorded - Target year to date

Health, Safety, and Wellness Training

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • H&S and Wellness Training - This month
  • H&S and Wellness Training - Target this month
  • H&S and Wellness Training - This quarter
  • H&S and Wellness Training - Target this quarter
  • H&S and Wellness Training - Year to date
  • H&S and Wellness Training - Target year to date

Health, Safety, and Wellness Investment

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • H&S and Wellness Investment - This month
  • H&S and Wellness Investment - Target this month
  • H&S and Wellness Investment - This quarter
  • H&S and Wellness Investment - Target this quarter
  • H&S and Wellness Investment - Year to date
  • H&S and Wellness Investment - Target year to date

Volunteering Hours

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Volunteering - This month
  • Volunteering - Target this month
  • Volunteering- This quarter
  • Volunteering - Target this quarter
  • Volunteering - Year to date
  • Volunteering - Target year to date


Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Donations - This month
  • Donations - Target this month
  • Donations- This quarter
  • Donations - Target this quarter
  • Donations - Year to date
  • Donations - Target year to date

Satisfaction NPS

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • NPS Score - This month
  • NPS Score - Target this month
  • NPS Score - This quarter
  • NPS Score - Target this quarter
  • NPS Score - Year to date
  • NPS Score - Target year to dateSatisfaction NPS

Education Interactions

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Education Interactions - This month
  • Education Interactions - Target this month
  • Education Interactions - This quarter
  • Education Interactions - Target this quarter
  • Education Interactions - Year to date
  • Education Interactions - Target year to date

Market Reviews

Auto Text

  • This month vs. Target
  • This quarter vs. Target
  • Year to Date vs. Target


  • Rating / Reviews  - This month
  • Rating / Reviews - Target this month
  • Rating / Reviews - This quarter
  • Rating / Reviews - Target this quarter
  • Rating / Reviews - Year to date
  • Rating / Reviews - Target year to date
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