Share your report

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

Once you're happy with the report you've set up, you can share it with others. To do this, you can simply click the Download PDF option from within the Add data or Build report options, or alternatively, open the Preview & share tab for additional options.

Download PDF

Use this option to quickly download a PDF copy of your report, which you can then email or print as needed,

Email report

If you prefer, you can email the report directly from within Spotlight Sustain.

  1. Click the Email report button, then enter the name, email address, subject line and content of the email. If needed, you can add more recipients.

    Note: The next time you send an email, the recipient will be automatically completed.

  2. Once you're ready, click Send.

Present online

You can use this option to present the report without the Spotlight Sustain outline.

From within the preview, you'll be able to choose to show or hide the navigation and thumbnails, or view the preview full screen.

Once you've shared your report, and you don't need to make any further changes, we recommend that you publish the report.

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Spotlight Sustain