Diversity charts

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

Gender diversity

Overview: Gender diversity refers to the representation and inclusion of people of all genders within the organisation.

Formula: Female Employees, Male Employees, Gender Diverse Employees

Report codes: PEO.DIV.GEN.NON

Leadership gender

Overview: Leadership gender refers to the gender identity or representation within leadership roles within the organisation.

Formula: Female Leaders, Male Leaders, Gender Diverse Leaders

Report codes: PEO.DIV.GEN.LEA


Overview: Ethnicity describes the cultural and social identity of the people within the organisation.

Formula: Ethnicity: Asian, Ethnicity: European, Ethnicity: Indian, Ethnicity: Indigenous, Ethnicity: Latina, Ethnicity: Other

Report codes: PEO.DIV.ETH

Gender pay equity

Overview: Gender pay equity is the practice of ensuring that there is no disparity in pay between people of different genders who perform similar roles or tasks.

Formula: Female Pay %, Male Pay %, Gender Diverse Pay %

Report codes: PEO.PAY.GEN

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