Practice settings

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

To change your practice name

  1. Click the “Practice Settings” button on the main screen and select “General”.
  2. The practice Name is first on the list
  3. Simply select the text box and replace the existing text. Remember to ‘apply’ any changes you make.

To upload your practice logo

Once you’ve uploaded a logo, you can use it on the cover page of each report produced for the organisations in your account.

  1. Click on the “Practice Settings” button on the main screen and select “General”.
  2. Click the “Browse” button on the right hand side.
  3. Find your Practice logo on your computer and click “Open”. You will now see your Practice logo in the settings page.
  4. Click the “Apply” button at the top of the page to confirm selection.
  5. If you’d like to use a different logo for any organisation (e.g. for a client’s organisation) - head into organisation settings.

To change your practice colours

The options to change the colours for the practice are now available in the Appearance tab - for further information on these and the other cover page options, please refer to our Customising Report Covers article.

Change your default report titles

Each Spotlight Product has a default report title. Simply select the text box and replace the existing text. Remember to ‘save’ any changes you make.

To change your report footer

The report footer appears on the bottom of each report produced. You can use this space however you wish. E.g. personalise the reports with your contact details, or for our accounting partners you may wish to enter a disclaimer.

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