Health, safety & wellness charts

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

Health & safety incidents

Overview: Health and safety incidents are logged to manage and record work related risks.

Formula: Health and Safety Incidents (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.HNS.QUA.INC

Health, safety & wellness trainings

Overview: Health, safety and wellness training training provides the tools and training for those who are responsible for workplace health and safety.

Formula: Health, Safety and Wellness Training (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.HNS.QUA.TRA

Health, safety & wellness investment

Overview: Health, safety and wellness investment investment encourages businesses to make investment in the safety and wellbeing of their workforce, which can add value and improve in performance, profit and culture.

Formula: Health, Safety and Wellness Investment (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.HNS.FIN

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