Health, safety & wellness

Last updated:
November 26, 2023


You can use the Health, safety & wellness page to track internal measures for the business.

The page includes three charts, plus an additional commentary panel for your own observations.

Data required

To be able to show data on all charts in the page, you will need to import values for the following accounts, or enter them directly within Build data:

Note: The report codes for the accounts will be automatically assigned.

  • Health & Safety Incidents - PEO.HNS.QUA.INC
  • Health, Safety and Wellness Training - PEO.HNS.QUA.TRA
  • Health, Safety & Wellness Investment - PEO.HNS.FIN

Charts included

Health & safety incidents

Overview: Health and safety incidents manage work related risks. It is important to ensure the employees are given protection from workplace related risks. This includes both physical and mental risks.

Formula: Health and Safety Incidents (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.HNS.QUA.INC

Health, safety & wellness trainings

Overview: Health, safety and wellness training training provides the tools and training for those who are responsible for workplace health and safety.

Formula: Health, Safety and Wellness Training (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.HNS.QUA.TRA

Health, safety & wellness investment

Overview: Health, safety and wellness investment investment encourages businesses to make investment in the safety and wellbeing of their workforce, which can add value and improve in performance, profit and culture.

Formula: Health, Safety and Wellness Investment (actual vs target)

Report codes: PEO.HNS.FIN

Health, safety & wellnes commentary

This is an additional text panel where you can include your observations about the charts or data on the page. You can find details about how to work with text panels here.

Spotlight Sustain