Excel data

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

To import into Spotlight Sustain, your Excel file must be in the correct format. The easiest way to make sure you have the right format is to download the provided Excel template.

The tabs available

The tabs in the spreadsheet correspond to the types of data you can import, and the tab in which each account will be shown within the Add data window of Spotlight Sustain.

  • Environment - Details about carbon emissions, energy, and other environmental measures.
  • People - Internal information about the people who work within the business, such as NPS scorings and tenure.
  • Community - Details of volunteering, fundraising and sponsorships within the community.
  • Customers - Customer metrics for the business, such as market ratings and NPS scores.

The template comes pre-populated with the names of the default accounts, but you can also add your own. If you choose to add your own account, please ensure that you include it in the correct tab for the type of data you're including, however if needed you can change the type of account later within the Add data tab.

The format required

  • Column A - The account name. Each account should appear on two rows, one for the actuals and one for the target.
  • Column B - The metric recorded.

    Actual - Actual data for the account. This would normally be completed up to and including the most recent completed month.
    Target - The target set. You may prefer to enter these values into the future as well as for past months.
  • Column C onward - The monthly values. Enter the month and year in the column heading, and the monthly values below.

The accounts needed

Although all accounts are included in the default Excel template, you may not need to complete them all. This will depend on the report template you selected, and the pages included on your report.

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Spotlight Sustain