Carbon charts

Last updated:
November 26, 2023

CO2 total emissions

Overview: The total kgs of CO2 emissions over time. You can report on results from fuel, or emissions from various sectors.

Formula: Carbon Emissions Total (actual vs target)

Report codes: ENV.CAR.CON.TOT

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CO2 emissions type

Overview: A company’s greenhouse gas emissions, classified into three scopes.

Scope 1 refers to direct emissions from company owned and controlled sources.
Scope 2 refers to indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy, from a utility provider
Scope 3 emissions are all indirect emissions.

Formula: Carbon Emissions Scope 1, Carbon Emissions Scope 2, Carbon Emissions Scope 3

Report codes: ENV.CAR.CON.SCO

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Trees planted

Overview: Trees planted can make a positive impact on the environment and can increase the resilience of the ecosystem. You can report on this if your organisation takes part in this initiative.

Formula: Trees Planted (actual vs target)

Report codes: ENV.CAR.RED.QUA

Carbon offset investment

Overview: Carbon offset investment allows users and companies to invest in projects that mitigate their carbon footprint. If your organisation contributes to projects which reduce GHG emissions, you can report on them.

Formula: Carbon Offset Investment (actual vs target)

Report codes: ENV.CAR.RED.FIN

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Spotlight Sustain